Sunday, December 26, 2004

Orange Revolution

(At home, so no Esperanto)


Yushchenko is believed to have a nearly 17% lead in a second presidential election after narrowly losing the first last month. Certainly does seem that the first was fraudulent beyond what I expected. Go Yushchenko.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

South American Single Market / Suda Amerika Unuobla Merkato


The nations of South America have launched the South American Community of Nations, modeled on the EU. They're starting by phasing out tariffs and hoping to one day have a common currency and parliament. However, preexisting trading blocs have been largely ineffective and Bolivia and Chile don't even have diplomatic relations.
La nacioj de Suda Americo lancxis la Sudan American Komunumon de Nacioj, modlata en la EU. Ili estas iniciatanta per elfazas tarifojn kaj esperas unutage havi komunan valuton kaj parlamenton. Tamen, praekzistantaj negocantaj blokoj estis grande senefika kaj Bolivio kaj Cxilio ne havas diplomatan interrilaton.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

American Irony / Amerika Ironio

Anderw Sullivan

Interesting facts from the article:
-The five states with the highest divorce rates all voted for Bush
-The five states with the lowest divorce rates all voted for Kerry
-Teenage pregnency in Texas is more than twice that of Massachusetts
-The percentage of the population that is married is higher in
Massachusetts than Texas
-On average, Americans have three times as many abortions as the Dutch

Interesaj faktoj ekde la artikolo:
-La kvin statoj kun la plej alta eksedzigxrangoj cxia vocxdonis por Bush
La kvin statoj kun la plej malalta eksedzigxrangoj cxia vocxdonis por Kerry
-Geadoleska gravedo en Teksaso estas pli ol dufoje tion de Masacxuseco
-Procento de la logxantaro ke estas geedzigxinta estas pli alta in Masacxuseco ol Teksaso
-Averagxe, Amerikaj havas trifoje tiel multaj abortigoj kiel la Nederlanda

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The Scary Ukraine / La Timinda Ukrainio

Oh Damn

Presidential nominee Yushchenko has declared that the election was rigged and that he is the true president. In protest, he read the oath of office in parliament. If this doesn't led to civil war, I don't know what will.
Prezidenta nomumulo Yushchenko deklaris ke la elekto estis rigata kaj ke li estas la vera prezidento. Proteste, li legis la jxuron de ofico en parlamento. Se cxi tio ne kondukas al civila milito, mi ne scias kion estos.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

New Game at Orisinal / Nova Ludo cxe Orisinal

High Delivery

Apparently it has been awhile since I checked Orisinal. This game has been up since October 21st. In anycase, it's an easy game and the music is gorgeous.
evidente gxi estis iam ekde mi vizitis Orisinal. Cxi tio ludo estis supren ekde oktobro 21a. Iel, gxi estas facila ludo kaj la muziko estas plej bela.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Ashcroft Quits (Forlasas)


Ashcroft resigned. That is all.
Ashcroft rezignis. Tio estas cxio.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Postal Service vs. The Postal Service

NY Times

The band The Postal Service has reach an agreement with the US Postal Service and it's highly entertaining.
La bando The Postal Service atingis akordon kun la US Posxta Servo kaj gxi estas tre amuza.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Ashcroft leaving (lasanta)?

Cabinet Reshuffle

There is talk that Ashcroft may resign due to health concerns. Ashcroft is my least favorite person in Bush's cabinet as he infringes on states' rights. I hope he is replaced with someone who's more agreeable.
Estas parolo ke Ashcroft rezignus cxar koncernoj pri lia sano. Ashcroft estas mia malplej favorata persono en kabineto de Bush cxar li malebligas rajtojn de regnoj. Mi esperas li estas anstatauxigata kun iu tiu estas pli agrabla.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Football and Elections / Usona Futbalo kaj Elektoj


Since 1936, the last Washington Redskins game has forecasted the results of the presidential election. If the Redskins win, the incumbent party wins the election, if they lose, the challenging party wins the election. They play the Green Bay Packers on October 31st. Who are you cheering for?
Ekde 1936, la lasta Washington Redskins ludo estis antauxdiranta la rezultojn de la prezidanta elekto. Se la Redskins gajnas, la reganta partio gajnas la elekto, se ili venkigxas, la defianta partio gajnas la elekto. Ila ludas la Green Bay Packers en oktobro 31ono. Kio vi huraas por?

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Economic Policies / Ekonomiaj Polisoj

The Economist

The Economist got responses from 56 economic professors in a survey of their opinions on Bush's and Kerry's economic plans. Bush got lower marks, but neither did well.
The Economist elricevis 56 ekonomiajn profesorojn en katastro de ilia opinioj pri la ekonomiaj planoj de Bush kaj Kerry. Bush ricevis malaltajn markojn, sed neniu faris bone.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Strange things in England / strangaj ajxoj en Anglujo

I was looking at the frontpage of and saw this lovely image.

Link to image

Not being an expert on British politics, I clicked the link beneath the image.

News article

Reading the list of candidates, I found something odd. In twelfth place was Alan 'Howling Laud' Hope of the Monster Raving Looney Party. What struck me as odd was that he wasn't last place, so I searched for his website and found this.

Monster Raving Looney Party

I'm convinced.
Mi estis regardanta la antauxpagxon de kaj vidis cxi tion lindan bildon.

Ligilo al bildo

Ne estanta spertulo en brita politiko, Mi klakis la ligilon sub la bildo.


leganta la liston de kandidatoj, Mi trovis ion malparan. En dek-dua loko estis Alan 'Hurlata Lauxdo' Hope de la Monstrofrenezanta Frenezulo Partio. Kio frapis min kiel malpara estis ke li ne estis lasta loko, do mi sercxis trovi lian pagxaron kaj trovis cxi tion.

Monstrofrenezanta Frenezulo Partio

Mi estas konvinkata

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Fundamentalists Against Bush / Fundamentistoj Kontraux Busx

Bush Revealed

This is the most nitpicky political group I've ever heard of. They oppose Bush for doing such terrible things as saying nice things about other religions and respecting foreign traditions when visiting other countries.
Cxi tio estas la plej cxikana politika grupo Mi cxiam auxdis pri. Ili kontrauxas Busx cxar fartas tiajxojn terurajn kiel diras bonetajxojn pri alia religioj kaj respektas eksterlandajn tradiciojn dum vizitas aliajn landojn.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

A Reason Not to Wear My Contacts / Racio Ne Porti Mia Kontaktoj

Old Lazy Eye

A team of medical scientist with way too much time on their hands believe that Rembrandt had a lazy eye. They believe it helped him visualize 3-D objects in 2-D. My contacts are keeping me from becoming a great artist!
Teamo de medicinaj sciencistoj kun plej tro multa tempo en ilia manoj kredas ke Rembrandto havis pigran okulon. Ili kredas ke gxi helpis lin vidi 3-D objektojn en 2-D. Mia kontaktoj estas plenumanta min de farigxanta granda artisto!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Friend in Chile / Amico en Cxilio

Helen in Chile

My friend and fellow Esperantist, Helen, is spending this semester in Chile. I'm not quite sure what she is doing there, but it involves an observatory. I'm adding her site to my "friendly blogs and journals" list.
Mia amico kaj samideano, Helen, estas trasezonanta en Cxilio. Mi ne estas tute certa kion sxi fartas cxi tion, sed gxi engagxas observejo. Mi estas aldonanta sxia retadreson al mia "amica blogoj kaj jxurnaloj" listo.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Reading List / Legata Listo

Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Discworld Series - Terry Pratchett
The Sex Lives of Cannibals - J. Maarten Troost
Gormenghast - Mervyn Peake
Sophie's World - Jostein Gaarder
The Life of Samuel Johnson - James Boswell

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Power Nap / Potenca Dormeto

Slumber Pods

This is one of the greatest ideas I've ever heard.
Cxi tio estas unu da la plej bonegaj ideoj Mi cxiam sciigxis.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Noah's Ark on the Moon / Arkeo de Noahxo sur la Luno

Noah's Ark

Dr. Bernard Foing of the European Space Agency wants to build a DNA repository on the Moon just in case of some catastrophic event. Sounds like a good idea to me.
D-ro Bernard Foing de la Euxropspaca Agentejo volas konstrui DNA bibliotekon sur la Luno en la okazo se ia katastrofa evento. Gxi sondas kiel bona ideo al mi.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Radio Show / Radioprogramo


I forgot to mention last week that I have a radio show on WDCE-Richmond. I'm on-air Friday mornings 11 to 1. If you're in Richmond, you can tune-in to 90.1 FM, or you can listen online.
Mi forgesis mencii lastan semajnon ke Mi havas radioprogramon en WDCE-Ricxmondo. Mi en-aerigas matenoj de vendredo 11 al 1. Se vi estas en Ricxmondo vi kasxauxskultius al 90.1 FM, aux vi auxskultius kun interreto.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Sunday, August 29, 2004

UN backs Linux / UN Apogas Linukson

Software Freedom Day

The UN's International Open Source Network celebrated the first Software Freedom Day yesterday. Most events took place in Southeast Asia. They also promoted other open source applications such as OpenOffice and Mozilla, both of which I use.
La Internacia Malfermitfonta reto de la UN celebris la unuan Softvarliberectagon hieraux. Plej eventoj okazis en Sudorientazio. Ili ankaux promociis aliajn malfermitfontajn aplikajxojn ekzemple MalfermitOfico kaj Mozilo, ambaux de tioj Mi uzas.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

New Game / Nova Ludo


Orisinal has a new game. You should play it. It involves monkeys.
Orisinal havas novan ludon. Vi devas ludi gxin. Gxi engagxas simiojn.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Spam Scandal/ Spamskandalo

Spam Spam

The prime minister of Australia used unsolicited e-mails in his current election campaign. Hypocritically, he recently made it illegal for companies to send spam. Now his political opposition is questioning the legality of his actions.
La cxefministro de Auxstralio uzis spamon en lia nuna elektkampanjo. hipokrite, li fresxdate nelegxigis por kompanioj sendi spamon. Nun lia politika opozicio estas kontestanta la legxecon de lia agadoj.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Get Firefox!


I made the mistake of trying to use Internet Explorer on my sister's computer. I have now spent the past few hours correcting this mistake as every spyware I have ever known installed itself onto her computer in those brief minutes I was attempting to use it.

Don't make the same mistake I did, download Firefox and never use Internet Explorer again.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Two Bits of News, and still no Esperanto

Survivor: Vanuatu

Vanuatu to host the next Survivor. This is probably old news, but I didn't even know there was a Survivor past Survivor 4. This will be Survivor 9.


I like reading articles about nanotubes. There's something fascinating about them. The article is about how, once you get down to a certain size, temperature is irrelevant.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Vanuatu Elects President


Kalkot Matas Kelekele is elected the new president of Vanuatu. The former president, Alfred Maseng, was removed from office three months ago when his criminal record came to light.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Lady Has Two Sets of Twins

(I don't have access to my Esperanto Dictionary, so no Esperanto today)

A woman was implanted by two embryos. In most cases, one of the embryos would die, but instead, not only did they both live, but they both split, making two sets of identical twins (two boys and two girls). What makes this more interesting is that they were born on the woman's birthday. She is also a fraternal twin.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Concert Itinerary / Koncerto Veturplano

Aug. 20 - The Mountain Goats - Durham Armory
Aug. 27 - Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - 9:30 Club (unlikely / neversxajna)
Sep. 9 or 10 - Reduced Shakespeare Company - Modlin Center
Sep. 11 or 12 - Ani DiFranco w/ Dan Bern - Lyric Opera House or Carpenter Center
Sep 13 - Eighth Blackbird - Modlin Center
Sep. 24 - Fiery Furnaces - Black Cat (unlikely / neversxajna)
Sep. 26 - Shanghai Quartet - Modlin Center
Oct. 7 - Jump - Cat's Cradle
Oct. 10 - Rilo Kiley - Black Cat
Oct. 22 - Dresden Dolls- Cat's Cradle

September 9-13 might be hectic. / Septembro 9-13 estus kaosa.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Here are some interesting artist I found thanks to Something Awful's Creative Convention
Jen kelkaj interesaj artistoj mi fondas dankon al la Krea Konvencio de Io Acxa.

Vladimir Kush
Khang Le
Zdzislaw Beksinski
Tony DiTerlizzi
Greg Martin
Jo Chen

Stupid Economic Policies / Stulta Ekonomia Polisoj

National Debt

The Treasury Secretary wants congress to raise the debt treshold as the tax-cut brought record deficits. When will someone finally set their foot down and take the debt seriously? This needs to stop.
La Trezejo-sekretario volas congreson levi la sxuldo-plafono cxar la imposto-hakano alveturigis grandajn deficitojn. Kiam io fine metos lian piedon kaj prenos la sxuldon grave? Cxi tio bezonas malsxalti.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Not Krispy Kreme!

Krispy Kreme under investigation

Krispy Kreme is being investigated by the SEC about the repurchases of franchises and a sudden dip in profit forecasts. I love Krispy Kreme, I need to head over there before they start shutting down stores.
Krispy Kreme estas esplorata per la SEC koncerne la reacxetajxoj de vendejoj kaj subita falo en profito prognozoj. Mi amas Krispy Kreme, Mi bezonas reiri tien antaux ili ekas fermigxi vendejoj.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / Gvido de Petveturanto al la Galaksio


Teaser out for the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" movie. Watch for the 42.
Incitetano estas ekstere pro la "Gvido de Petveturanto al la Galaksio" filmo. Spektu cxar la 42.

Cuddle Party / Karesempartio

Cuddle Party

A bunch of lovesick New Yorkers getting together to cuddle. Sounds interesting, but it costs $30 to go. One good thing about being a science & mather is that cuddles come free.
fasko de senama Novjorkanoj kunvenas kune karesemi. Sondas interesa, sed gxi kostas $30 iri. Unu bona ajxo koncerne esti scienco kaj matematikano estas ke karesemoj venas senpaga.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Whaling / Balenano

Pro-Whaling Group

Japan wants to start a pro-whaling group. My question is, what benefits are there from whaling? The article doesn't mention why Japan is so adament about it.
Japanio volas eki pro-balenanon grupon. Mia demando estas, kio estas avantagxoj estas de balenano? La artikolo ne mencias kial Japanio estas tre obstina concerne gxin.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Gay marriage ban rejected / Anatemo en gejedzeco malakceptis

BBC News

Bush fails to get the support he needs for a ban on gay marriage. It still passed with majority unfortunately. Hopefully he will be voted out of office so that we don't have to worry about him doing this again.
Bush nefaras preni la subtenilon li bezonas por anatemo en gejedzeco. Gxi ankoraux preterveturis kun majoritato malfelicxe. Espereble li estos vocxdonata el ofico por ke ni ne faras zorgi koncerne li faros cxi tion ree.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Hamilton and(kaj) Burr

Duel re-enactment

Distant relatives of Hamilton and Burr perform the duel where Hamilton was killed on the 200th anniversary of the original duel. Interestingly, the article does not say why Hamilton was important.
Malproksima parencoj de Hamilton kaj Burr plenumas la batalon en kiu Hamilton estis mortigata en la ducentono memortego de la originala batalo. Interese, la artikolo ne diras kial Hamilton estis grava.

Friday, July 09, 2004

China going to the Moon / Cxinio iros al la Luno

China going to the Moon

China hopes to have a man on the Moon in three years. The last time man was on the moon was in 1972. It would seem that somebody would have tried to go inbetween then and now. It's been 32 years so far.
Cxinio esperas havi viron en la Luno en tri jaroj. La lastan tempon viro estis en la luno estis en 1972. Gxi sajnas ke iu povis provi iri inter tiam kaj nun.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I'm so confused / Mi estas tre konfuzanta

Reform Party Website

The Reform Party is endorsing Nader. Wasn't this the same group that Pat Buchanan ran for in 2000? Could there possibly be two candidates more different?
La Reform Party gxiras Nader. Cxu estis ne cxi tio la sama grupo ke Pat Buchanan kuregis por en 2000? Cxu estas eble du kandidatoj estas pli diferenca?

Holy Cow! / Sankta Bovo!

BBC: Edwards running for VP

I didn't expect Edwards to go for VP, but it's pretty cool that he did.
Mi ne atendis Edwards iri por VP, sed gxi estas relative ekscita ke li estas.

Bele Chere

Bele Chere

The great Asheville street festival is July 23, 24, and 25. If you want to go, let me know.
La bonega Asheville stratfestivalo estas Julio 23, 24, kaj 25. Se vi volas iri, sciigu min.

Giant Duck! / Anasego!

Something to keep you entertained until I get more up.
Io adi vin amuzantan gxis mi prenas pli supren.

Monday, July 05, 2004

What does this button do? / Kio cxi tio butono faras?

I have decided to start a blog. I don't plan on using this as a journal like those silly LiveJournals, I'll probably just post interesting links and so forth.

Mi decidis iniciati blog. Mi ne faras uzi cxi tion kiel jxurnalo simila tioj vanta LiveJournals, Mi probable nur algluos interesajn ligilojn kaj tiajxojn.