Tuesday, May 31, 2005

More Friendly Blogs and Journals

I'm finally getting around to linking to some of my friend's blogs and journals.

First up, Quintus' Quinary Quincunx of Quinquevalent Quinellas, only recently restarted. It's rather entertaining, you should read it from the beginning, even if you don't know Robert.

Second, Faery dust settling, Kimiberly's LJ. More personal, so I guess it's more for people that know her.

Third, Darkness Rising, Mai-Anh's LJ. Haven't read it yet, so no clue.

I was going to add Lizzy's, but she made it friend's only, so I don't see the point.

Deep Throat Identity Revealed


A former FBI deputy chief has claimed that he was the informant during the Watergate scandal. The two journalist that he worked with have yet to confirm this claim.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Zimbabwe Seeks to Farther Destroy Its Economy


The Zimbabwean government is set to nationalize all private property, essentially, all land would be considered leased from the government. This comes after a few white farmers won court cases after their land was seized, saying that the seizure was against private property laws. If this goes through, any and all land can be seized by the government no matter what. The reason I say that this will farther destroy the economy is because there a strong correlation between protection of private property rights and economic growth. Why build a successful business if at a moments notice, the government could nationalize it and not compensate you for it?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Sweden just gets better and better

Just guess what my source is

A poll of the image or "brand" of ten nations has placed Sweden in the top spot, due to its many excellent qualities. However, considering that there are nearly 200 countries in the world, it doesn't strike me as a very accurate poll.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Time Travel and You


The title heading for this article is a little misleading. It's not so much that time travel by way of wormholes is impossible, but you have no way of controlling when, or for that matter where, you'll show up. Still would be pretty exciting if it wasn't for the fact that you'd have probably a 99.999% chance of ending up in the middle of space with no where to go.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

New Monkey!

There seems to be a rash of animals being discovered recently. A new species of monkeys has been found in Tanzania.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Piano Man


No one knows who this man is. They found him in a soaking wet suit and hasn't spoken a word since then. However, he is an amazing piano player.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Uzbekistan Rebellion Update


A border town has expelled all representatives of the central government. The locals have also rebuilt two bridges to Kyrgyzstan that were destroyed by the government two years earlier to stop trade. It's interesting that they are reestablishing a link to a country that had a similar uprising only a few months ago.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Rebellion and Rodents


Thousands of prisoners have been released in Uzbekistan during protest over the imprisonment of 23 men accused of being Islamic extremists. Just yesterday, the BBC had an article about how peaceful and orderly the protests were.

BBC, Again

Not just a new species, but a new family of rodents has been discovered in a Laos market. This is my favorite kind of animal discovery; biologists are estatic and the locals just shrug and continue eating.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Hometown Heresy


This has been all over national news, so I thought I'd make a comment. There's been a big controversy at the East Waynesville Baptist Church over some people getting kicked out for voting for Kerry. Not only am I from Waynesville, but the pastor's uncle is the principal at the high school my mom works at and which I attended for two years.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Falkland Farce III


The EU claims that the constitution will make no changes in the status of the Falkland Islands. Status quo, here we go!

Monday, May 02, 2005

The Falkland Farce II


Brazil is backing Argentina's claim to the islands. I think we have a nice European-South American showdown developing.


In other news, you can eat jellyfish. Only one other person will get this.