Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Schools & Libraries


I found this article while looking for information on Hurricane Katrina. It's about the failure of middle schools and how many cities are switching to small K-8 schools.


A library in Holland now let's you check-out people as part of a program to combat prejudices. You can choose to talk to a voluteer from one of the various groups available for an hour long discussion in a nearby cafeteria.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Intelligent Design Vs. Scientific Inquiry

NY Times

This article is about the on-going debate between intelligent design and evolution. The writer makes several points about how ID proponents are more concerned with PR than science. He argues that if there was any hard science to ID, young scientists looking to make a name for themselves would be pouring their efforts into debunking evolution. However, unlike so many other scientific controversies, almost no one with credentials is doing this.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

New Not So Friendly Journal

Error 404

Stephen has a livejournal I keep forgetting to link to, so here it is. It has a nice commentary on penguins on it currently.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Gangsta Mayor

News & Observer

Jackie Wagstaff of Durham is running on a gangsta platform, to encourage younger people to vote. She has taken the nickname J-Dub and has a Hip-Hop Cabinet. Basically, she sounds like an idiot and has no chance of winning.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Myst in the Classroom


Some news Robert might like, a school in England has shown great improvement in literacy marks after a teacher started using "Myst" to encourage creativity. Unfortunately, it appears the last "Myst" will be released in September. I wonder what comes after "Myst".

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Lots of Fun News Today

IWT News

Independent World Television is a new campaign to start a globally-broadcasted news channel without funding from governments or corporations. While it currently comes across as rather bias, I'm very much in support of the idea. Although I am concerned if they don't take a professional stance, because then they will just look like a bunch of amateurish activists.


In government-funded news, a group of scientist from Cornell what to introduce African animals to the American plains. They claim that since megafauna like lions and elephants once roamed America, that the ecosystem can support them. This would also help in the conservation of these animals by moving them to a nation where poaching laws can be stigently enforced and habitat protected. They also claim it would be a boost to tourism. Imagine going on a safari in Nebraska. I doubt this idea will ever gain wide support, but it's rather fun.


A fossil of a creature that lived in the Cambrian Period baffles scientists as it doesn't have any characteristics that place it into a clear phylum. This is one of the issues with classifying fossils, without DNA, it's hard to prove relation. Imagine one million years from now, when archeologists dig up the remains of Old New York, they will probably classify St. Bernards and Chihuahuas as two different species when they are in fact the same.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

March of the Penguins

Scottish TV

Nils Olav has been promoted to Colonel in Chief of the Royal Norwegian Guard. He has served in the military since 1972, and constantly reported as having good behavior. He's also a penguin. While you wonder why the Norwegian Guard has a penguin officer, I'm going to be wondering why he's station in Edinburgh. This article partial explains it.

Also, I had no idea a penguin could live for over 33 years.

Edit: I just received word that this is in fact Nils Olav II, he's only 20 years old.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My New Favorite News Source

NK News

NK News is a database of North Korean propaganda. Some of the articles are fantastic. There is also a random insult generator. Definitely an entertaining read.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Catching Up with Movies


Since I was having to use a computer lab to get online, I haven't been able to check the movie trailers at So here's a list of some of the trailers I like.

Serenity - Movie based on "Firefly", a sci-fi series

Everything is Illuminated - I just like Elijah Wood's glasses

Thumbsucker - A seemingly normal family with a troubled kid. Overplayed story, but looks good.

Rent - I've watched this one several times because I love the song.

The Chronicles of Narnia - Who doesn't want to see this?

V for Vendetta - Lesser known comic book movie

Mirrormask - Brought to you by the creative forces that are the Jim Henson Company and Neil Gaiman

Walk the Line - Johnny Cash bio pic

Wallace and Gromit - New Wallace and Gromit movie!

Broken Flowers - Bill Murray movie

Night Watch - I normally don't like horror movies, but this one looks interesting

King Kong - Could be fun

Corpse Bride - AKA Another Tim Burton movie starring Johnny Depp

Honorable Mention: Cry Wolf - Filmed at the University of Richmond, but I don't care to see it.

Meat Without the Mu Cow


A team of researchers have proposed that meat could be grown from a single cell in a labortory. They believe that such a technique could alleviate the stress of livestock farms on the environment and eliminate the need to keep animals in cramp conditions. They think it could be better for you too. The Mu Cow is happy.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Finally, A New Game!


After four months, Orisinal finally has a new game, "A Dog For All Seasons". Since I'm in a computer lab, I can't get any sound, which half the reason I play these games is because of the music.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Tallest Building in the World


The foundation is being laid for the Burj Dubai in Dubai, UAE. While official numbers haven't been released, it is projected to be nearly half a mile tall, passing Taipei 101 and the current plans for the Freedom Tower.

Burj Dubai

This is the official site for the project. It's rather entertaining I think.

The World

This is another fun project happening in Dubai.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Climate Change = Bad Song Lyrics


This is an interesting article on climate change from the view of several elder residents in Barrow, Alaska. It's surprising how much can change in just a few years.


The article is about the James Bond Theme being re-recorded with its original lyrics, which are horrendous. The lryics here are partial, I can't find the full lyrics.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Banksy At It Again


Guerrilla artist Banksy has made an appearence in the West Bank, paintings holes onto the barrier being erected by Israel. In the holes are posted pictures of idyllic scenes such as beaches and mountains. You can see some of his other work at

Friday, August 05, 2005

Novel Yet Unsettling Way to Calculate Cocaine Use


Researchers in Italy are attempting to figure out the number of cocaine users in Italy by calculating the amount of benzoylecgonine in the Po River. Benzoylecgonine is only found in the urine of cocaine users. Their findings suggest there are 3 times as much cocaine consumption in the Po Valley than previously estimated.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I'm in Sweden!

Lost Carolinian

I just started a journal about my year in Sweden to keep you all up-to-date. Enjoy.

Cat's Can't Taste the 10th Planet


The discovery of 2003 UB313 and 2005 EL61 has brought up the debate of what exactly counts as a planet. If there's reason to believe there are dozens of Pluto-sized objects floating in the Kuiper Belt then it is definitely time to reconsider the current definition.


Why do cats not like sweet foods? Because they can't taste them. Well, isn't that novel.