Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Top Computer

Top 500

Despite my prediction that K Computer would remind in the top spot for a long time, it has already been over taken by Sequoia, a computer that can calculate 16 PetaFLOPS. Not only that, after two rather lackluster updates, the Top 500 this time around saw a massive change. Overall, the total FLOPS calculated by the entire top 500 increased by 67%, the second highest increase ever, just behind June 2008's 68% increase.

Most of the change took place in the top 10, with 6 new computers. Compare that to November 2011's list which saw the exact same top 10 with just K Computer getting an upgrade. Overall, the top 10 increased it's total FLOPS by 113%. However movement at the bottom was rather low. Despite 170 new computers on the list, the total FLOPS of the bottom 10 only increased by 20%.