Monday, January 26, 2009

Regional Contention in Elections

I remember hearing from some people with more extreme political views that the election of Obama (or sometimes McCain) would lead to riot, civil strife, and possibly all out war between Red and Blue states. This seems partially due to the proliferation of the misconception since 2000 that Red states are totally Red, Blue states are totally Blue, and there's no middle ground between. If this view is accepted, then it's only a matter of time before one of these states gets fed up and decides to leave the Union.

Of course, just looking at election results reveals that elections in individual states tend to be close, it's just a matter of certain regions happen to have more voters of one party than the other, not that the entire region votes monolithically for one party. This observation, plus the fact that there really isn't a decisive issue being handled seems to negate the idea that the US is headed towards destruction. The problems facing the US right now are important, but they are not decisive problems like slavery and civil rights were.

That all said, there were times in the past where states did vote overwhelming in favor of one party, yet the US survived those periods, more often than not with no calls for secession or civil conflict.

Thinking about all this, I decided to make a formula to measure the level of regional division during an election to see how 2008 compared to past elections. The formula is based on the standard deviation of the votes for the two main candidates in each state. A high standard deviation indicates that support for a candidate was highly regional and a low standard deviation indicates that a candidate had level support throughout the country. I chose only to measure the two main candidates for simplicity and the fact that the impact of a third party candidate would still affect the results of the other candidates, particularly if it was a regional candidate.

Here are all election years after popular voting was introduced sorted by what I call their "regional contention score". A high score means that support for the candidates was highly regional and a low score means that the candidates had level support throughout the country.

ElectionRC ScoreNotes
18241.13First election with popular voting
18600.78The election of Lincoln, two different regions each with its own candidates
18560.57Collapse of the Whigs, appearance of Republicans in the North
18360.44Whigs run three candidates hoping to force a draw in the Electoral College
19240.44Democratic vote split between Davis in the South and LaFollette in the North
18920.44Populists win votes in the West
19120.37TR runs as a Progressive
19000.29Average regional contention score
19480.27Dixiecrats win votes in the South
19640.25Johnson landslide, but didn't appear on the Alabama ballot
19680.25Wallace wins votes in the South
18680.23Reconstruction, median regional contention score
20080.22Most Recent Election
18640.21Only northern states voted
19920.19Most successful third party campaign with widespread support
19720.18Nixon landslide election
19840.18Reagan landslide election

Looking at this, 2008 was not at all unusual and was actually below the average and median scores. Although, it should be noted, it was the highest score in 40 years and the number has been rising fairly steadily since 1988. Of course, this is no indication it will continue to rise, as there are historically few rising or falling trends that last four or more election cycles.

Giving the levels of regionalized voting in the past, it seems that the US can survive much more than some people give it credit for. The only time civil war was started was when the electorate was so divided that there were essentially two elections taking place at once. Other moments of highly regional voting usually indicate a split within a party and not in the nation as a whole. The highest score for an election with only two main candidates was the 1904 election which Theodore Roosevelt won by a huge margin. Part of this could have been that while Theodore Roosevelt raised support in the North, few voters in the South were persuaded to vote for a Republican, thus raising the "regional contention score", but not really indicating an increase in political division.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

You need more music

It's been awhile since I did a new music post. There's no real theme to this one, just new music I've found that I don't think too many other people have heard.

Ra Ra Riot - Apparently they've been getting a lot of play on college radio, but here they are in case you haven't heard of them. They fall into the genre of chamber pop because of their use of stringed instruments kind of like the Arcade Fire.

Chad VanGaalen - Before you click, let me warn you that the video is rather strange, however, I think the song is really captivating.

The Hoosiers - A British band that Welsh Dan introduced me to. So I've known about them for awhile, but I don't think I've shared them here. Their music is pretty entertaining.

Black Mountain - Rather outside my usual music, but I enjoy it. Kind of has a classic rock sound, but darker.

Those Dancing Days - This band is so Swedish it hurts.

Cut Copy - Electronica! Kind of a throw back to the early Nineties, but I love the singers voice. Also, the video for Hearts on Fire is kind of cute.

Amanda Palmer - Amanda Palmer from the Dresden Dolls released a solo album and it's fantastic. I saw her in concert recently and it was amazing.

The Builders and the Butchers - Unfortunately, this band doesn't have an actual music video yet, but for concert footage, the audio is pretty good. They were the opening act for Amanda Palmer and they put on a great show.

Cloud Cult - Some of you might remember the Princess Bride Song that they did some years ago. Basically everyone at WDCE just played that one song and ignored the rest of their stuff, but I kind of liked it in all it's quirkiness. Since then they've put out some really fantastic albums that deserve to be listened to.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Euro Adoption, not just for Slovakians

The Local

Slovakia wasn't the only place to start using the Euro on January 1st, the Swedish town of Höganäs has decided to start using the Euro alongside the Swedish Krona. The town is a popular tourist destination, so being able to do business in Euros is a huge boost for them. It is not unusual for shops in tourist centers outside the Eurozone to accept Euros. What makes Höganäs unique is that people will be allowed to conduct all official business, such as paying bills and rent, in Euros and withdraw Euros from local ATMs.