Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Rated R Fantasy Movie?

Pan's Labyrinth

So I was looking through the movie trailers at Apple as usual and I cam across this Spanish film. The whole trailer set-up makes it out to be almost like a children's fantasy movie, but the rating for it is R. Must be one odd movie.

Oddly enough, it's not the only such movie to fall into this category.


At least this trailer makes it a bit more obvious Tideland isn't for kids.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Gay Animals!


The Oslo Natural History Museum has an exhibit up about gay animals. I was at that museum and I don't believe there was anything nearly this interesting there at the time. If you're ever in Oslo, you should go and tell me how it was.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Comics Must be Had


So apparently everyone I've talked to has already heard of this comic, but I'm posting here because I think it's funny, dammit.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Ig Nobel Prizes

Improbable Research

While I wait for the Nobel committee to announce the winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics, I thought I'd share with you the winners of the Ig Nobel Prizes. These prizes go to the strangest and seemingly useless research science has to offer. It's quite an entertaining list.