Sunday, August 09, 2009

Blackwater Abuses

The Nation, first article
The Nation, second article

Blackwater is a private security contractor (mercenaries) hired by the US government for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. It has long been considered that Blackwater is basically a way for the US military to commit war crimes with getting in trouble. Blackwater does something wrong, the US government takes no responsibility and threatens to end their contracts with Blackwater.

The list of abuses Blackwater is accused of is quite extensive, and their very existence should be worrisome for everyone. They're basically a private entity with access to large amounts of weaponry and staffed by well-trained soldiers and is not answerable to any kind of government or international treaty.

The first article I've posted details the accusations of two former employees who do not wish to reveal their identities as they believe the owner has killed people before to keep them silent. The second article is an extension of the first, but deals more with the fact that despite the continued abuses, the US government recently renewed their contract.

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